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Home » Darknetone.com Scams Users And Disappears

Darknetone.com Scams Users And Disappears

by admin

Popular Darknet news and information website Darknetone.com (formerly Darknetonions.com) has disappeared from the internet. The Dark Web information website, often placed number one in Google rankings, disappeared without a word. This may have been a good thing, as their lifespan was filled with accusations of phishing links and reverse proxies. Let’s look at how Darknetone.com Disappeared.

What Happened To Darknetone.com?

SelfClaimed Number 1 Source For Darknet Content

The number one Google-ranking dark web information site started back in 2020. Over the years, the site gathered information on every popular darknet marketplace and vendor, bringing it together for clear net users to research. The website called itself a resource tool, and in many ways, it was. But behind the scenes, they were robbing their very own users.

Darknetone Captured Prior To Dissapearance
Darknetone Screenshot Captured Prior To Disappearance

Darknetone.com often posted news articles and made premature accusations in their articles. They had years of content and information related to the darknet and its markets/services. Darknetone (similar to us) gave its users educational materials on topics like using the Tails OS, PGP keys, buying cryptocurrencies, and using the Tor browser. It helped users learn how to use various cryptocurrency wallets, find/use Dark web search engines, etc. For the most part, this was a resourceful tool.

But their primary focus was on darknet marketplaces. Their reviews discussed different markets and their features and users, going into detail about the markets. Once again, helpful stuff. But behind it all was an elaborate scam.

Darknetone.com is No Longer Accessible

Darknetone Stops Working

Darknetone came to an end on July 14th. Just a few months back now, the popular website stopped posting articles, the website went stagnant. This first felt like the admin was taking a break, or nothing noteworthy happened worth writing about. A month passed by, and a few users enquired about the website’s lack of content. Still no word.

On October 14th, three months after their last post, the domain bounced back. If you open Darknetone.com now, you’ll notice there is a hosting error page. Although the page still shows up on Google’s rankings, the content is inaccessible and, soon enough, will disappear.

Darknetone.com is no more. But maybe that’s a good thing. Perhaps their past caught up to them.

Darknetone Scamming Users

Soon after the website gained traction, reports of Darknetone using phishing links popped up. The website’s primary focus was leading users to use their very own Darknet Market links. That was their purpose of reaching number one on Google, to catch unsuspecting victims, goobers.

On Reddit and Dread, reports were made.

“Don’t trust darknetone.com, they’re using the phishing alphabay link in there listing .online instead of.onion.”

Another user who obviously hadn’t used the Darknet before posted the following.


“I’ve lost about $300 to phishing and I feel like an idiot. Everyone mentions “dread” but what is the exact url for “dread”. Anyways, can anyone give me tips on how to get the right onion address for these sites. It would be so appreciated! Thanks.”

Dozens of users came forward, explaining they’d experienced the same.

According to users who fell for their scam, Darknetone.com would often replace the market onion links with phishing sites that look almost identical to real market sites. When a phished user entered the website and made a deposit, they’d be sending the BTC or XMR directly to the Darknetone.com admin’s automated hot wallet. The funds would disappear as soon as they came in, and the user would be left empty-handed.

kleinfinger.org Is Here To Stay

We can’t deny that Darknetone gave its users some valuable information. The guides on OpSec and Darknet usage were fantastic. Unfortunately, they were wolves in sheep’s skin. This website, kleinfinger.org will take the opportunity to build what Darknetone.com claimed to be, and we challenge users to keep us accountable for our work. We want to make the Dark Web accessible and easy to use for anybody.

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