Lowend Dealer Avoids Jail After Being Arrested for Selling Drugs Purchased from Darknet


Christopher Robson says he is a drug addict himself, and resorted to selling heroin to fund his own habit

A “bottom end street dealer” was caught with 18 wraps of heroin and £300 in cash whilE out on his motorbike. Christopher Robson was stopped by police, who said he seemed very nervous when they pulled him over one lunchtime in November 2019.

Robson, 46, had 19 wraps of heroin on him, as well as £300 in cash. His two mobile phones revealed messages from people requesting drugs. It was also revealled he purchased his drugs from dark web. He told police that he was carrying the money to buy another bike.

Robson, of Nolan House in Stockton, pleaded guilty to one count of the possession of a class A drug with intent to supply. He has 34 previous convictions for 91 offences – which include the possession of MDMA in 2000; and the possession of a class A drug in 2010 and again in 2015.

On Tuesday, Teesside Crown Court heard that Robson has a longstanding drug addiction, and that he relapsed in 2019 when his father and brother died. He says he resorted to selling the heroin to fund his own habit.

Judge Jonathan Carroll told Robson that he had proved he could live a crime-free life, as prior to this, he hadn’t committed any other offences since 2015: “When you were a young man you were well entrenched in a criminal lifestyle. But you have demonstrated that you can live crime-free.

“This was bottom end street dealing.”

The judge handed Robson a two-year prison term, suspended for two-years. He was ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid work and attend 30 rehabilitation activity days.

The judge ordered that the £300 cash found on Robson is forfeited to the court.

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