Driving Instructor who Stalked his 17-year-old Student & Paid Dark Web Fraudsters to Hack her Social Media Accounts Gets Jail Sentence

An obsessed driving instructor who stalked his 17-year-old student has finally been jailed after he breached a restraining order and turned up at her home with Stanley blades.

Graham Mansie, 53, stalked Maisie Relph, now 19, over a four-month period between July and October last year.

Mansie had created a TikTok account called ‘For Maisie’ which featured a red heart emoji and the bio ‘my favourite,’ asked her out for drinks and showered her with unwanted gifts, posing on WhatsApp as a male first-year student.

He lost hundreds of pounds trying to pay dark web fraudsters to hack her social accounts and has left the teenager with post traumatic stress. 

Mansie, from Beckenham in south east London, pleaded guilty to one count of stalking and was given an eight-week jail term, suspended for a year, in May this year.

But just nine days later, the stalker ignored the terms of the restraining order, got in his car and drove 220 miles to her flat in York, the court heard today. 

Mansie was finally jailed for 20 months at York Crown Court today. 

Maisie changed her clothing and cut her hair into a bob after the police advised she change how she looked when Mansie was on bail. 

The student said the ordeal has left her unable to go out alone and said the stress of being stalked has led her to be diagnosed with severe anorexia. 

Mansie had already breached his bail conditions twice by contacting her on Instagram and WhatsApp before he turned up outside her home, the court was told.

One of Maisie’s flatmates saw Mansie sitting on the grass under her window, rocking, when he returned from work at around 11pm, the court heard.

The frightened students called security, who found wounds on his wrists. Mansie handed over Stanley blades and the police found more blades, it was said.

Mansie was finally jailed for 20 months today. He was given 16 months for breach of a restraining order, two months for possession of blades, and his suspended sentence of two months was activated, all to run consecutively.

Speaking just before sentencing, Maisie said she feared he was going to use the knives to persuade her to go with him, or sexually assault her.

Maisie, a psychology in education student from Bromley, south-east London, said: ‘It was awful – an absolute nightmare. I only got nine days of freedom.

‘I was convinced he wouldn’t break the restraining order but I guess that was too good to be true.

‘I was all about rehabilitation before but he’s shown he needs to be in custody because it’s just not safe for me, my friends, or him for him to be out.

‘My flatmates said I was like a different person in those nine days – I was so chilled and smiling.

‘I really thought I’d got my life back, but it all went wrong again.

‘This whole situation has made me very cautious. I can’t go out on my own anymore.’

Maisie signed up for ten lessons with Mansie, from Beckenham, south-east London, in July 2020 and ended up having 32 in total.

Mansie, 33 years older than the sixth-former, taught around 15 of her friends who had all passed their tests and recommended him.

But he soon started calling her his ‘favourite,’ invited her out for drinks, and talked for much of the two-hour lessons about wanting to be in a relationship with someone, she claims.

One of her friends said he kept telling them he had a student he wanted a relationship with, she said.

Mansie was given an eight-week jail term suspended for a year at Bromley magistrates’ court on May 18 and was told to complete 30 rehabilitation days and visit the Stalking Threat Assessment Centre to get help.

The court was told he had already breached his bail conditions twice by contacting her on Instagram and WhatsApp.

Then he turned up outside her flat in York on May 27, the court heard on Wednesday.

Masie’s victim statement in court said: ‘This crime has impacted me both emotionally and psychologically.’

The student said the stress of being stalked has led her to be diagnosed with severe anorexia and she was undergoing therapy.

‘I think about what has happened every day, constantly worried and paranoid about what could happen,’ she said.

‘I thought things genuinely could not get any worse after the previous incidents. However, when Mr Mansie breaks a legal order just nine days after sentencing, it leaves me to question if this will ever end.’

She said he was ‘obsessed’ and him driving from south London left her ‘gobsmacked’.

‘I am now a 19-year-old who is battling a severe mental illness and having to live with a 53-year-old stalker, whilst trying to get a degree,’ the psychology student told the court.

The court heard Maisie was unable to answer any questions in interview with the police but gave a prepared statement which said he wanted to kill himself after reports of the original case had been circulated on social media sites.

She said: ‘I knew it was him as soon as I saw him sitting there – he was rocking back and forth and crying. He must be very ill.

‘His image is imprinted on my brain. I’m not able to forget sadly. I could identify him anywhere from his Arsenal football top and his hair.

‘I’ve thought about changing my name, and even emigrating to Australia.

‘I don’t want to do that though; I love my life and I don’t want to change it, and I can’t let everything revolve around him.

‘I also think that if he wants to find me he will. I definitely have post-traumatic stress from this. Every time I see a red Ford Fiesta or someone in a football shirt I panic, even though he’s been in custody since May.

‘It’s hard to describe how awful it is to worry about when this will end. He’s 53, so this could theoretically carry on for at least another 20 years.’

Mitigating Graham Parkin said Mansie has an avoidant and dependent personality. He is single and isolated and is now homeless.

He said his victim’s ‘civility’ gave him inappropriate ideas.

‘His feelings and views were not based on any reality,’ said Mr Parkin.

Jailing him for 20 months, Judge Simon Hickey told Mansie he was also handing him an indefinite restraining order, banning him from travelling to York, referring to her on social media, not joining any social media groups she is on, and not contacting her.

Judge Hickey said Maisie’s statement illustrates the impact Mansie’s stalking had on her life.

‘You became infatuated with her and bombarded with texts, ‘ he told him.

The court heard Mansie can never work as a driving instructor again and after he is freed from jail he intends to qualify as a HGV driver.

Outside court, Maisie said: ‘I would have dropped out of university if it wasn’t for my friends, they have been a great support.

‘I am very pleased that this has ended

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